

a. The league shall be known as “The Huddersfield & District Tuesday Night Pool League”.

b. Membership of the league shall be open to all public houses/institutes within a 7.5 mile radius of Huddersfield Town Hall and with the capacity to hold a pool table complying with E.P.A. & World Rules requirements. Applications from teams outwith the distance requirement will be considered by the League on a case-by-case basis.

c. Subscriptions of the league shall be fixed at an Annual General Meeting or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting. All fees to be paid on the allocated registration night each season to guarantee entry to the league.

d. A league maintains a website (www.huddspool.co.uk) which gives details of rules, tables, fixtures and general information regarding the league. It is intended that all information regarding league business will now be accessed via this website, handbooks will no longer be supplied. However, as previously a set of appropriate score cards and 1 st round knockout draws will be hand-delivered to each team/venue prior to the start of the season.


a. The officers shall comprise Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Fixture Secretary, Tournament Secretary, Treasurer, Trophies and Awards Secretary, IT Officer, Qualified Referees and Working Committee Members

b. All officers of the league may be eligible for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses from the league funds at the discretion of the treasurer. The officers of the league shall have the power to co-opt the services of additional members to the committee as and when required.


a. An AGM or as the case may be E-OGM shall be held within one month of the close of each season (Due to logistical reasons, a completed balance sheet for the preceding season will only be available at the first committee meeting of the following season).

b. Each member of the league should have at least two weeks prior notification in writing (enclosing an agenda) of those meetings.

c. Any business for discussion at an AGM or E-OGM shall be submitted at least one week prior to that meeting.

d. A representative of each team that has fully paid its subscriptions for the forthcoming season is permitted to be present at the above meeting(s) to participate in discussions, and to vote should a vote on any action be necessary. A representative attending on behalf of more than one team has the respective number of votes.

e. To facilitate league business it is assumed that the committee members will be automatically re-elected into their position(s) ‘en-block’ at the commencement of each season, no formal voting of this process is required. However should any team be unhappy with any aspect of the committee and its function they must supply formal notification of their grievance, with full justification, at least one week prior to the AGM to allow preparation for discussions.

Normal procedure will be that, should the grievance be ‘upheld’, a full referendum of all teams in the league will subsequently be taken of which 51% must be in favour of removing the existing Committee from their positions.


a. It is important to note that entry of individuals (e.g. those under 16 years of age or those subject to barring orders) to licensed premises is the express responsibility of the landlord/steward thereof and the league has no legal right to challenge any decision made. The league will always accept/support the decision of the landlord/steward.

b. The Officers and working committee shall have the power to apply act upon and enforce the rules of the league, and shall have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the league including any not provided for by the rules. This includes misinterpretation of the rules and matters against the “spirit”, rather than the letter, of the rules.

c. A meeting of the officers and working committee to be held on the first MONDAY in every month when all members are welcome to attend. The Chairperson may call further meetings as and when required to discuss official business.

d. Each officer, working committee member and life member shall have one vote on any matter where a quorum is formed. No officer, committee member or life member shall be allowed to vote on any matter appertaining to his/her own team, public house or institute. The Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

e. All decisions reached by the officer/working committee shall be binding and notified tomembers/teams concerned as soon as possible.

f. Any complaints by any team and/or member of the league shall be in writing to the Secretary within five days (i.e. by Sunday 8.30 p.m.). The committee will discuss all complaints received and if thought necessary the teams/members involved will be asked to appear before the committee.


The officers and working committee of the league undertake to:

a. The general running of the league.

b. Consider, and if appropriate to accept applications for membership to the league from any public house/institution etc as defined in 1(b).

c. Implement at a pre-season meeting the promotion/relegation rules and thereby finalise the sectional arrangements for the forthcoming season.

d. Ensure that all teams adhere to the EPA & World Rules and the league’s bylaws and to arbitrate on complaints and problems arising during the course of any season.


NB: The official rules are not replicated here, these league rules and bylaws are in addition to the official rules. Copies of the official rules are available via links on the Huddersfield Pool website.


It is the responsibility of all captains or representatives who attend the registration night to return that night, the Premier League trophy, the team knockout cups or any of the singles or doubles cups won by them the previous season. Failure to return any bi-annual trophies on registration night will result in the team or players responsible not being accepted back into the league as per Rule 5(b) of the League Constitution.


All matches to commence at 8.00 p.m. with scratching times at 8.15 p.m. for the first game and games may be claimed at 15 minute intervals thereafter. At 9.15 p.m. the match may be claimed. A claimed EPA match carries a score of 7 points (and a deduction of 3 points from the offending team), a claimed BB/INT match carries a score of 7 points (and a deduction of three points from the offending team). NB: A score card must be submitted to this effect or a two point penalty will be incurred as in rule 5.


Any team is allowed to cancel up to a maximum of 2 matches per season. Rearranged games instigated by your opponents do not count against your team.

A minimum of 48 hours notice must be given in order to cancel a match, however, if your opponents are willing to re-arrange when this notice hasn’t been given, the league will accept this re- arrangement in the sporting context it is meant. A cancelled match must be played before or within 14 days of the original fixture date with the exception of the last two matches. These must be played before the date of the last match of the season.

If you wish to cancel a match telephone your opponents. If an alternative date cannot be agreed then you ask your opponents to name three alternative dates and you must then choose one of these. You MUST then contact the Fixture Secretary and inform him/her of the cancellation and the new date. If your opponents request a match to be cancelled you may not refuse but, a new date must be arranged before the match is accepted as cancelled by the Fixture Secretary. In certain circumstances, the Fixture Secretary will allow re-arranged games to be played beyond this deadline, however, it is solely at his/her discretion as referred to in Rule 4b of the Constitution.


Home team to complete score card first, no alterations are allowed without the prior consent of the opposition’s captain.

All score cards must be submitted BY THE WINNING TEAM (HOME TEAM IF MATCH DRAWN) as follows:

a) to be posted (with astamp).

b) hand delivered to either the Fixture Secretary or the current H.Q. of the league (see page 2).

c) electronically to huddersfieldpool@gmail.com. 

d) online, via the website.

All score cards must be received no later than 5 days after the match (i.e. by Sunday 8pm).

"Please Note" Should a dispute arise, of whatever nature, during a match, the score card must not be signed should a captain wish to refer the dispute to the committee."


Winning teams who fail to submit, or submit a late score card shall have two points deducted.


Should a team withdraw its membership of the league after completing the first half of the season then those scores will stand. Only points against that team in the second half will be expunged. Should a team fail to fulfil 3 matches in a season they will be automatically expelled from the league.


If any team is withdrawn or expelled from the league, then that team shall be required to submit a completion bond of £10 to re-join the following season (payable on registration night). This bond shall be returned to the team in full on completion of the following season. However failure to compete in any match will reduce the returned bond by £2 per match not played.


Players who play in this league do not have to register prior to playing, but once they have played for one team they may not play for another in the same season. (A player becomes registered with the first team they play for).

*CAPTAINS BEWARE* Make sure any new players that wish to play for you have not played for anyone else. *YOUR POINTS COULD BE AT RISK*


No team may transfer during the course of a season from one venue to another without first applying in writing to the committee. Should your venue be closed for any reason during a season, you must notify the Fixture Secretary. If you cannot find an alternative venue from which to complete your fixtures the committee may be able to assist.


A team who wishes to transfer venues at the beginning of a season and wishes to maintain their current status may only do so with a minimum of 4 existing players. However, should the landlord of the first venue decide to enter a different team then it is this team that has the option to retain its current status.


In all sections the winners & runners-up will be promoted and the bottom two teams relegated. Extra teams may be promoted from some sections depending on teams not renewing their membership of the league. Should a team win a section by 14 points or more then whenever possible that team shall be promoted by more than one section.

One point shall be awarded for each frame won in each match. If two or more teams are level on points at the end of the season the matches won shall determine the positions. If level - matches drawn. If still level, play-offs will determine Champions, Runners-Up and Relegation.


EPA Rules: The top player will be the person who wins the most singles frames. If players are tied there will be a play off. (Frames played are not to be taken into consideration in either of the above.)

BB/INT: The top player will be the person who wins the most singles frames. If players are tied there will be a play off. (Frames played are not to be taken into consideration in either of the above.)


Any team from any section wishing to enforce the 1 minute shot clock rule may do so, giving the opposing team (who cannot refuse the request) a minimum of 24 hours notice. It is the responsibility of the requesting team to provide a stopwatch or other timing device. Each individual frame shall be timed by the opposing team to that refereeing the frame.


All complaints must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the league within five days (i.e. by Sunday 8.30 p.m.). Special meetings will be set up to deal with any complaints as and when required. If necessary players/teams may be asked to attend to give their account of events and voice their opinion. Venue of the meetings is the current HQ of the league (see page 2)


Any team or player bringing the league into disrepute by whatever means may, at the discretion of the committee, be expelled from the league.


Should a pool table be in bad condition then a complaint can be made to the Committee whereupon the venue will be visited by a representative of the League to endeavour to rectify the matter.


EPA Rules: Each match consists of 10 frames with each player being allowed to compete in up to two frames. (minimum of 5 players required).

BB/INT: Each match consists of 10 frames with each player being allowed to compete in up to two frames. (minimum of 5 players required).

In both formats all frames must be played during the duration of the match. Players cannot arrange to play part of the match at a different time or date to the actual match. This applies to both planned fixtures and any re-arranged matches.


For league matches it is the prerogative of the home team to choose the type and style of balls to be used. The away team, whether as a whole or as individual members, may not refuse to use the chosen balls for any match or individual frame.

For knockout matches the choice of balls is by agreement of all parties, whether teams, individuals or pairs. In cases of conflict, ‘standard’ red and yellow (or spot and stripe) balls must be used as opposed to the ‘Pro Cup’ balls..



BB/INT Rules - Same format as a league match applies. First team to win 6 frames is the winner. A player to be nominated in the event of a tie to obtain a result. Teams playing BB/INT in the league are only allowed to play in the BB/INT Team Knockout.

EPA Rules - Same format as a league match applies. First team to win 6 frames is the winner. A player to be nominated in the event of a tie to obtain a result. Teams playing EPA rules in the league may enter either the EPA or BB/INT knockouts.

Both Team Knockouts - Should a team wish to apply the scratch time rule, the captain of the claiming side must inform the opposing captain of their intentions, and a score card must be completed to this effect. If a team is claiming the whole match, they must inform the tournament secretary of this when messaging. Should a team wish to cancel its match they must contact the Tournament Secretary (see page 2) within 48 hours of receiving the draw, who will assist in the re-arrangement, providing their opponents agree to the cancellation.

To decide who breaks first:

All rounds before the semi final - the home team will break first, just like a league match, deciding frame will be a toss of a coin.

Semi Final and Final (neutral venues) - A toss of coin is required to decide the first break, then alternate from them on. Deciding frame is another toss of a coin.


Only one player from each venue goes through to the next round. If a player wins their first match then they must play the winner from the second match, or the third player, whichever the case may be. Sometimes only two players will play at one venue and therefore the winner goes through.


This competition will be played over one day. The venue and format will be at the Tournament Secretary's discretion and all players will be informed in advance once a date and the venue has been agreed.

All players entering the singles must be registered with a team within the league and must have competed in a league match by the 3rd game of the season, however in order to promote ladies involvement in the league, they do not have to be. Should a player wish to cancel their group they should follow the same procedure as for the team knockout. YOU MUST PLAY AT THE PRE-ARRANGED VENUE AND WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO CANCEL ONE MATCH PER KNOCKOUT EVENT EACH SEASON.


Rules are as for the singles with the exception that only one player in the partnership need be a registered player. The knockouts are ‘dual-code’, with EPA Rules taking precedence.

If a player wishes to change his/her doubles partner prior to the tournament starting or add a player if he/she has entered with A.N.Other, they must first inform the Tournament Secretary and then they may only choose someone who is not already registered in that tournament.

To decide who breaks first, a toss of coin is required, then alternate from them on. Deciding frame is continued, no further toss of a coin.

Breaking: any player can break, players on the same team do not need to alternate break, the same player can break if neccessary.


The committee will only provide a timekeeper for the semi final and final of the any knockout, if requested.

If you want a timekeeper in any other match of any knockout, you must make your own arrangements, and inform your opponent of your intentions. As in league matches, your opponent cannot refuse your request.


All results or complaints for any knockouts must be messaged/telephoned to the Tournament Secretary (see page 2).


Any knockout matches which are rearranged, MUST be played ON OR BEFORE the actual date, not after. Exceptional circumstances to be considered for the semi final and final.

There is no obligation for opponents to accept a rearrangement.

Only 1 rearrangment allowed per player during the knockouts, any further need to be discussed with the tournament secretary.


All matches to commence between 8pm - 8:15pm. Scratching time, for the first frame will be at 8:30pm. The match can be claimed at 9:15pm.

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